A large group of new students and orientation leaders form the word "NEW" with their bodies during New Roots 2019/2020.

September 3–September 8, 2023

Registration Coming Soon!

New College Orientation is a fantastic way to discover the diverse New College community and learn more about the plentiful resources you can find at the University of Toronto. Orientation programming will give you the knowledge and resources for you to succeed in your university career. Discover new friends and make the most out of your university experience as you are welcomed into New College and the First Year Experience!

Yvonne Chen & Justin ChiuNew College Orientation Coordinators 2023

Transitioning to university can be both exciting and intimidating. New Roots: New College Orientation helps make your transition a little easier and a lot more fun. Our program is designed to help you make the best possible start to university life by offering you events and opportunities to develop academic skills, build social networks, and find academic connections in your new community. It is an excellent way to discover what student life will look and feel like as an incoming student. 

Orientation introduces you to New College, the University of Toronto, and life more generally in Toronto. Student Peer Leaders, who a year or two ago were in your shoes, will guide you through the new and exciting things U of T has to offer while also helping you to navigate situations that may seem more challenging. Orientation includes a campus tour, which will help you locate your classes; introductions to student clubs and councils; explanations about how university exams and papers differ from those written in high school; and other important answers to the questions new students are bound to have. 

This year we are expecting to offer an in-person Orientation for all incoming students. Of course, COVID-19 is still on our radar, and as such there is a possibility this may change. We will provide updates on our First Year Experience at NewQuercus page, so please find us there!

For one week, you will have the opportunity to participate in easy-to-navigate academic programs, fun social excursions, wellness events, and everything a new student needs for the best possible start at U of T.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook (@ncorientation) for all updates! Please contact us at new.studentlife@utoronto.ca with your UTORid or JOINid if you are having any challenges with the First Year Experience at New Quercus page. 

Photo: Rachel Evangeline Chiong