Your studies here at U of T are going to be an exciting and rewarding time for you and the New College Registrar’s Office is here to support you in reaching your goals.

The Faculty of Arts & Science offers an unparalleled range of courses and programs to discover – be sure to explore your interests outside of your intended programs and consider enrolling in a First Year Opportunity, such as New One or a First Year Foundations Seminar, to take advantage of the seminar-style format and small class experience.

You’ll find that New College and our campus partners offer services and resources to help you adjust to the demands of first year studies. You may find that the workload and pace of your courses is different from high school – a meeting with our Learning Strategist to discuss assignment planning and test prep can help bolster your strong study skills. Be sure to stop by the D.G. Ivey Library to develop your research skills and navigate U of T’s library system.

We’re here to help you, so be sure to stop by the New College Registrar’s Office if you have a quick question or if you’d like to meet with an Academic Advisor to help plan out your studies.

While everyone has different needs and preferences here are some suggestions to help get you ready for September.

Plan Ahead

Use calendar software or an old-fashioned paper calendar to plan out your week. Your weeks will vary throughout the year but make sure to consider the time you’ll need for:  

  • sleeping  
  • eating  
  • travelling/commuting 
  • class time  
  • studying 
  • extracurriculars 
  • part-time jobs/volunteering 
  • socializing and entertainment 

Know Your Timetable

Make up a weekly timetable:

  • Fill in lectures, tutorials, labs, part-time job hours.
  • Fill in your planned study time.

Create a Term Timetable

  • Know your course requirements (usually outlined by the instructor in the first week of classes). 
  • You will find that your courses tend to have tests, assignments, etc., scheduled roughly within the same weeks as the school year. Properly pacing your study time is vital. 
  • Work back from your deadlines and plan ahead when you will do what. 

Find Out about Campus Services and Other Resources

There are many sources of help on campus—e.g. Writing Centres, Math Aid Centres, the Centre for Learning Strategy Support, and the Registrar’s Office.

Reach out early in the semester to get great advice and strategies on being a successful student.