How to Ensure Success

In many ways, your university studies will be a continuation of what you did in high school. There will be some adjustments to make, however, as you may find that some strategies that worked in high school may not be quite as effective in university. Explore some tips to help ensure your success at U of T. 

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Your Schedule

Examine a sample schedule of how you might structure your week and some points to keep in mind when creating your schedule. 

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Tuition and Residence Fee Payments and Deferrals

Attending university is a big investment and it is essential to have a solid financial plan before starting classes. Understand your expenses, create a budget, and then try to keep to it as much as possible. 

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Tuition Fee FAQs

Learn the answers to frequently asked questions related to U of T tuition and fees.

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Financial Planning

Review your resources and expenses for the upcoming academic year (September to April) early to reduce the chance of financial shortfalls during the term. 

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“After I accessed some of the resources at New College, I discovered how there were all sorts of supports available that were here to help me improve and develop as a student. The Writing Centre, the Registrar and the Office of Residence and Student Life played a large part in helping me succeed in my first year.”

Dawson WigleFourth-year student and Residence Don