It is important to know what study skills you already have and where you need to improve so that you can anticipate the kind of support you might need and where you’ll benefit from extra focus. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses by taking a few moments to consider the following:

Writing skills (essays and note taking)
Reading skills (speed and comprehension)
Ability to assign priorities
Ability to keep to a schedule
Asking for help when you need it
Ability to relax

How would you rank yourself in the following areas:

Do you have a system for planning your work?
Are your notes and class handouts well-organized and easy to locate?
Do you read ahead before lectures?
Do you have time to do the things you want to do?
Do you ask for help when you need it?
Are you able to set and meet deadlines?

Depending on your answers to the above, you may feel that you need extra support to develop better study habits / time-management skills. For help in this area, refer to the Academic Success Centre website.